Grit removal
  • Grit removal
Company Profile

JOHNSON EIC,LLC was founded in 2011 in the western state of Colorado, USA.The current chairman Mr. Johnathan Charles Birk,  is the son of the founder of US Ecology, Inc. (NASDAQ Code: ECOL), a well-known environmental industries listed company which is established in 1952,in the United States.It is a member company of the ExxonMobil Group. ECOL was formerly known as American Ecology Corporation, headquartered in Boise, Idaho, with 6400 full-time employees. Through its subsidiaries, ECOL provides comprehensive environmental management services to commercial and government entities in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, and Mexico. ECOL company focuses on safety, environmental compliance, and first-class customer one-stop service, which can effectively meet the needs of customers and establish long-term stable cooperative relationships, consistently winning outstanding market share and good reputation. With over 70 years of industry leadership experience, ECOL is committed to providing global customers with highly managed, environmentally friendly comprehensive solutions. The group's business consists of two major segments: Municipal Environmental Services and Mining&Industrial Services.

NOW JOHNSON EIC, LLC( The Joint venture Company in Mainland of Greater China named : Johnson Environmental Industries Co., Ltd.)have set up a subsidiary in Greater China in 2022 with renowned professors and experts from Tsinghua University. The company has always been committed to becoming a world-renowned environmental protection enterprise that integrates design, research and development, production and manufacturing, engineering implementation, technical consulting, and more. We specialize in serving municipal water supply and sewage treatment plant operations, municipal pipeline networks, and sludge treatment enterprises, providing high-precision sand removal systems (with an accuracy range of up to 75um-200um, resource utilization and harmless sludge treatment, as well as one-stop solutions in the field of carbon source recovery. Our goal is to build a "professional, exquisite, unique, and innovative" high-precision equipment manufacturing enterprise in the Chinese environmental protection industry, making positive contributions to energy conservation and cooperation undertakings

Please contact the Authorized official Branch of Johnson EIC,LLC as follows for your further request :


US Headquarter:

22093 E Quarto Place, Aurora, CO 80016, United States

Mr. Benjamin Ray Jones

Phone: (720) 394-5957

Email :


Beijing Office :

Floor 24th, Block G, Building 14, No. 8 Beichen East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100101)

Mr. Peter He




Shanghai Office : 

F1, Yifu Business Plaza, No. 1737 Huangxing Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai (200433)

Ms. Karen Tang




Jiangsu Office :

Floor 18th, East Building 6, No. 368 Suya Road, SIP , Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province (215021)

Mr.David Jin




Nantong Factory :

West Head of Wujia Industrial Park, Dongshe Town, Tongzhou District, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province (226332)

Mr.Gause Chan



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